December 26, 2017
Particulars of JBC for ballast condition are added in JBC Geometry and Conditions.
Parriculars and geometry of a rudder is added in JBC Geometry and Conditions.
June 15, 2017
Some particulars of JBC are added in JBC Geometry and Conditions.
August 01, 2016
A presentation for JBC resist/s&t/waves is available in Program page.
IGES&STP geometories of the KCS propeller become available to download by the courtesy of KRISO in KCS Geometry and Conditions.
February 23, 2016
Several presentation files are available in Program page.
December 01, 2015
Registration was closed.
November 13, 2015
Case2.11(KCS) is updated. Ranges of vertical axis for some graphs are changed. EFD data is also changed. Please refer new Excel file [Identifier]_6conditions_2-11_20151112.xlsx and
October 26, 2015
All 15 rooms (single and double) of Kichijoji Dai-ichi Hotel in conference rate were fully booked.
October 15, 2015
Three PNG files in ./Figures/Vortex_View/ of for Case1.3a (JBC) are updated. The figures in the Tokyo_2015_Vortex_Analysis.pdf included in the archive are also updated.
October 13, 2015
New item concerning vortex core analysis is added as Case 1.3a-9 to Case 1.3a (JBC) .
The deadline for submission of vortex core analysis is November 1.
The deadline for submission of countours of \( \omega_x \) for Case 1.3a (JBC) and Case 1.4a (JBC) is also Nobember 1.
October 8, 2015
Template of questionnaire is available in 'Instructions to participants'. The deadline for submission of the questionnaire is postponed to October 22.
New plots ( Contour of \( \omega_x \) ) are added to each \( x/L_{PP} \) for Case 1.3a (JBC) and Case 1.4a (JBC) .
September 28, 2015
Webpage of registration, hotels are avilable.
September 14, 2015
Signs of phase values (0th ∼ 4th) in Case2.10(KCS) are inverted. Please refer a new Excel file [Identifier]_6conditions_2-10_20150914.xlsx .
Due to the correction, time histories for 2.10-2-C1∼5 in Case2.10(KCS) should be replotted. ( linked form Case2.10(KCS) ) is a new zipped archive containing corrected data and image files.
Webpage of venue and program are avilable.
September 10, 2015
On September 9, 0th amplitude of all variables in all conditions in Case2.10(KCS) and Case2.11(KCS) are modified (0th amplitude should be twice of mean value). However, in calm water condition, it seems more easy-to-understand to use mean value ( not 0th amplitude ) for CT, sinakge and trim. Hence, the modification for calm water condition is reverted back to the original values. Please refer new Excel files [Identifier]_6conditions_2-10_20150910.xlsx for Case 2.10 and [Identifier]_6conditions_2-11_20150910.xlsx for Case 2.11 .
September 9, 2015
- Submission Instructions of Case2.10(KCS) are fixed, and files for "Sample+Tecplot layout file" are updated. We would like to ask the participants, who already submit their results, to submit again. We are sorry for causing so much trouble. Key changes are as follows.
- In 2.10-1, values of 0th amplitude for CT, heave motion and pitch motion were not correct(The previous values were of \(\displaystyle{\frac{X_0}{2}}\), not \( X_0 \) in Equation(4) in Case2.10(KCS). ). They are corrected to values of \( X_0 \). [Identifier]_6conditions_2-10_20150909.xlsx is a new Excel file ( linked from Case2.10(KCS) ) containing corrected values.
- Due to the above corrections, time histories for 2.10-2-C1∼5 in Case2.10(KCS) should be replotted. ( linked form Case2.10(KCS) ) is a new zipped archive containing corrected data and image files.
- According to above replotting, ranges for some graphs of 2.10-2-C1 and 2.10-2-C2 should be changed. New values are described in a blue font in Case2.10(KCS).
- Submission Instructions of Case2.11(KCS) are fixed, and Excel file for 2.11-1 ( [Identifier]_6conditions_2-11_20150909.xlsx ) is updated. Please use this new Excel file for submittion. Key changes are as follows.
- In 2.11-1, values of 0th amplitude for CT, and all motions were not correct(The previous values were of \(\displaystyle{\frac{X_0}{2}}\), not \( X_0 \) in Equation(4) in Case2.11(KCS). ). They are corrected to values of \( X_0 \).
September 2, 2015
- Hull data of Model 3 (for Case 2.11) is fixed.
September 2, 2015
- Case2.11(KCS) is revived. Also see Announcement.
- Submission Instructions of Case3.12 and Case3.13 are fixed.
- Time intervals of EFD data for time histories in Case3.12 are changed.
- Ranges of KT in both Case3.12 and Case3.13 are changed
from "0.1 < KT < 0.3" to "0.1 < KT < 0.6". - Ranges of KQ in both Case3.12 and Case3.13 are changed
from "0.4 < KT < 0.8" to "0.1 < KT < 1.2". - Submission Instructions of Case2.10(KCS) are fixed. Key changes are as follows.
- Up to 4th harmonic amplitudes and phases are required for CT, heave and pitch motions in 2.10-1.
- Harmonic amplitudes of heave and pitch motions have to be nondimensionalized by the amplitude and the steepness of the incident wave respectively.
- Heave motion is given at the center of gravity.
- The crest of the incident wave is at FP when t = 0 .
August 24, 2015
- Instruction to participants is updated.
- Format of paper
- Submission Instructions are added.
- Format of posters
- The example in PPT format is uploaded.
- Submission Instructions are added.
August 13, 2015
- Wetted surface area of ONRT is corrected.
August 10, 2015
- The deadline for submission of results is postponed to September 1.
August 06, 2015
- Submission Instructions of Case 1.3a (JBC) are fixed.
- Contour level and interval for wave elevation contours (1.3a-4) are changed.
- Ranges of vertical axis for wave profile (1.3a-5) and longi cuts (1.3a-6 and 1.3a-7) are changed.
- Line styles for1.3a-8 are added.
July 28, 2015
July 27, 2015
- The deadline of the paper, poster and questionnaire is postponed to October 1.
July 8, 2015
- Submission Instructions of Case2.10(KCS) are fixed.
July 3, 2015
- Sample excel files of Case1-1a, Case1-2a, Case1-5a and Case1-6a are fixed (UD of Experiment is added.)
June 12, 2015
- Deadline for submission of results is postponed to August 1, 2015.
- Measured wake distributions are available for Case1.3a, 1.4a, 1.7a and 1.8a
- Case2.11(KCS) is cancelled.
- Wave pattern is added in items of Case1.3a.
- Instruction to participants(incl. FTP server for upload of CFD results) is updated.
- "Description_Of_JBC_CAD_Data.pdf" in is updated to
"Description_Of_JBC_CAD_Data_New.pdf"( The positions of SPIV measurement sections are added.).
Other files in the zip file are the same.
May 29, 2015
- Propeller center, vertical location of JBC is corrected. (-z/Lpp=-0.040414 -> -0.0404214)
May 27, 2015
- lcb of JBC is corrected.
May 18, 2015
- POC of ONRT is available from propeller geometry page.
May 8, 2015
- The number of significant figures of the computed conditions were arranged.
- Fluid properties (e.g. ρ, υ, g) were added for each test case.
- Wetted surface area of JBC with ESD was modified.
- POC for case 2.5 & 2.7 is availabe from propeller geometry page.
May 7, 2015
- Instruction about which iges files of JBC should be used, is added.
April 15, 2015
March 20, 2015
February 23, 2015
February 19, 2015
- Update case 2-10 condition for KCS instructions.
- Update ship lengths and forward velocities for JBC, KCS, ONRT instructions.
February 12, 2015
- Update case 2-10 condition for KCS instructions. Update KCS model information for case 2-10 and 2-11 in KCS geometry and condition page.
- Update case 1-3(TUHH) condition for JBC instructions.
January 23, 2015
- Update JBC Propeller Particulars (NMRI) in JBC geometry and condition page. A definition of propeller section(PDF) was added, but no numerical data has been changed.
January 15, 2015
- Update JBC conditions and EFD data in case 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6.
- Validate the number of grid for grid uncertainty analysis. See instruction pages for detail.
December 17, 2014
- In case 2-1, Froude number of No. 6 was corrected from 0.2819 to 0.2816.
December 9, 2014
- Update Description and References of ONRT.
- Complete hull data and conditions of ONRT.
December 3, 2014
- Update ONRT conditions in case 3.9 and 3.12. All ONRT cases need propotional rudder controller and 6 degrees of freedom.
November 26, 2014
- Remove propeller offset data (FORCE) from KCS geometry and condition page.
- Add propeller IGES data (IIHR) in ONRT geometry and condition page.
- Update ONRT main particulars in ONRT geometry and condition page.
- Unify the phrase "heading angle" and "yaw angle" into "yaw angle", and the signs of "yaw anlge" are unified to be negative in all ONRT pages.
November 21, 2014
- Add EFD procedures (IIHR) in ONRT instruction pages.
- Update hull IGES data in ONRT goemetry and condition page.
- Correct LPP to LWL in all ONRT pages.
- Remove propeller IGES data from ONRT geometry and condition page.
November 13, 2014
The main objective of the Workshop is to collect and assess the results from different computations for some well specified test cases. For this to be successful the number of computations for each case should be large, i.e. the number of test cases must be kept within reasonable limits. The Workshop Steering Group therefore decided to exclude some of the previously posted test cases, and to specify some “mandatory” cases. Thus for JBC the NMRI conditions and results (the only ones available at present) shall be used. As the results from TUHH and Osaka become available additional computations for these cases will be welcome. This will ascertain a large number of computed results for at least one of the conditions (NMRI). Anyone who wants to do KCS (seakeeping) should do the head seas condition before embarking on the oblique seas case. For ONRT similar conditions apply. See the List of test cases found under “Announcement”.
January 8, 2014
Website for the Tokyo2015 is set up.