

Mission of NMRI


  • NMRI provides solutions for policy issues on securing safe marine transportation, preserving the marine environment, and ocean development, utilizing large-scale experimental facilities and high potential on technology.
  • NMRI also contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the maritime industry by developing fundamental technologies for marine transportation.

Securing safe marine transportation

  • Clarification of the cause of marine accidents and prevention of recurrence
  • Integrated analysis for ship structure
  • Simulation for marine traffic

Preserving the marine environment

  • Reduction of emission of NOx, SOx, CO2, etc. from ship engines
  • Prediction of underwater noise
  • Ships' machinery system utilizing various energy sources

Ocean development

  • Basic technology for ocean renewable energy such as offshore wind power
  • Offshore and subsea systems for seafloor mineral resources
  • Technology for underwater exploration

Developing fundamental technologies for marine transportation

  • Operation support system utilizing Information and Communication Technology
  • Improvement of productivity utilizing digital technology
  • Regional maritime transportation system to adapt to the aging society

Future effort

  • NMRI will concentrate its efforts on R&D activities that contribute to sustainable development and strengthen the competitiveness of the national maritime industry.
  • NMRI will be the coordination basement of industrial/academic/governmental sectors on maritime transport utilizing technical know-how, research facilities, and human resources.